eImpound and its partner companies are proven experts in website building, administration, and efficiently making them work.

If you have an existing website and use eimpound.com to manage your inventory, we can allow seemles integration to allow your customers to search and discover the status of their vehicles.

eImpound is now offering to build and maintain websites for tow companies and towing websites for law enforcement / municipal agencies at no charge for the first 10 built. After the first 10, eimpound will assess the next steps for the rest of the requested websites.

It is vital to have a presence on the web, and eimpound has made that happen with some great websites for towing companies with the first few tow provider websites we’ve built. Its simple to get us the information needed, and we have two templates to choose from. Once we receive the information and the tow and/or storage provider chooses the template they want, eimpound builds it and its ready to go.

Our research indicates that less than 40% of tow providers have a website at all, and of those, less than 40% have an effective website. Let eimpound help you and the towing industry improve their web presence.

Ready to get started? Sign up for eImpound and start searching